Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Meet Coffee
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Birthday BJ

Where have the years gone? Happy Birthday Jill. 29 years ago (1979) you arrived on a snowy South Dakota night 2 months ahead of schedule. You were a peanut -- 3 pounds 12 ounces and 17 inches long. And now you are beautiful young woman successfully navigating life and you don't weigh 3 pounds anymore. You don't remember, but we called you BJ (Baby Jill).
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pirate Christian Radio

"Pirate" radio stations are those that broadcast from outside of "the system". We are no different. Now-a-days, far too many "Christian" radio stations have become havens for every absurd fad and all types of foul winds of bad doctrine that are blowing through the church. Sadly, the Gospel and sound doctrine have mysteriously disappeared from large segments of the 'Christian' airwaves. The system has become corrupted by false doctrine and false teaching. That is why it has become necessary for us to create a "pirate" Christian radio station.
Pirate Christian Radio is an online radio station that is free from the scurvy plagues of pop-psychology, goofy fads, self-help, pietism, purpose-drivenism, the prosperity heresy, contemplative mysticism, seeker-sensitivism, liberalism, relevantism, Emergent nonsense, and the sissy girly Oprah-fied religiosity that is being passed off as "Biblical Christianity"..
This station proclaims "Christ crucified for our sins" and exalts and defends THE historic Christian faith.
If you're looking for "Biblical Principles" that will improve your financial situation, help you raise happier children or have a more fulfilling sex life then you're NOT going to like Pirate Christian Radio.
But, if you are looking for Christian programming that is truly Christ Centered and proclaims the good news of Christ's death and resurrection for your sins, then you will find Pirate Christian Radio to be a refreshing stream of living water that quenches the thirst of your soul.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Evangelism Equipping Program
This is Rev. Cwirla's 7-Step Evangelism Equipping Program™
- Talk to people about sin and Jesus' death and resurrection wherever and whenever you can.
- Don't worry that people will think you're weird, you are.
- When possible, invite them to church and hang with them through catechesis to their Baptism.
- Practice talking sin and Jesus with folks in your congregation, most of whom are Christians already, but hey, if you can't talk about sin and Jesus in church, where can you?
- Memorize the small catechism so you'll have something intelligent to say and don't just blather on and on about yourself.
- Don't worry about failure; God works through that too.
- No ifs, ands, or buts when it comes to faith in Jesus or it isn't "good news." If you don't know what that means, go back to catechism.