Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

December 25, 2007

It's that special day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Our celebration began last night when we went to church to sing Christmas carols, listen to the Christmas story from Luke and receive the Sacrament. These are my children -- Alex and Jill. Jill used to get pj's for Christmas, but now it's just Alex. This year it was camouflage pj's.

At 6:30 a.m. I put our traditional Christmas casserole in the oven and started lighting the Christmas tree lights (we have 3 trees) and candles through the house. At 6:45 a.m. my son Alex (age 10) came downstairs very excited. Even though he knows Santa isn't real and it's all about Jesus, he still gets excited for the presents.

At 8 a.m. everyone came downstairs to began the day in earnest. First, it's coffee and mimosas. We settled on the sofa to watch a video called "The Story of the Birth of Jesus" from Tommy Nelson. Then the gift opening began and took less than 20 minutes. As everyone enjoyed their gifts we gobbled down the Christmas casserole.

The gifts are opened, coffee is gone, our stomachs are full, the wrapping paper is in the garbage. The last event of the morning is cake. We always make a birthday cake for Jesus in a heart shaped pan. This year Alex chose confetti cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.

Merry Christmas!