Bible Studying
Now that I am not a homeschooling mom I have time to pursue a few things that I love. First, I'm co-leading 2 Bible studies and participating in a third one. Some weeks I feel like I've bitten off more than I can chew...but I chew well and I'm blessed in the midst of my being overwhelmed at times.
I've participated in plenty of studies over the years. Sometimes they were produced by the Lutheran church and other times they were not. While I enjoyed all the various studies -- I think there is danger for a Lutheran to be involved in non-Lutheran Bible studies. It seems that any Bible study will be driven by doctrine even those produced by non-denominational publishing houses. For a Lutheran, most doctrine will be in disagreement in some way with what we believe.
I'm currently leading a study on Daniel for the God's Word for Today series. I am grateful for the leader notes which help me to teach with proper understanding. Daniel is particularly open to lots of interesting interpretation which would not be in a agreement with the LCMS. I believe that is important to teach correctly. As a layperson I'm limited in my knowledge and need leader notes
I'm participating in an overview of the Bible called Crossways. Although it is written by a Lutheran (ELCA) pastor, correction is still needed as there are Bible interpretation problems (historical-critical). The fortunate part of the Crossways class is that a well-trained staff person is leading it and is capable of making corrections. He has the leader notes PLUS the knowledge.