My son received a stained glass piece in celebration of his baptism from his grandparents. The stained glass piece has been hanging in our front window for 9 years. About 1 month ago it fell and fractured into about 8 pieces. Fortunately it stayed within the lead frame. I couldn't really repair it, but I glued it. When it hangs in the window now, you can see the fractures.
The symbolism has increased. Now the story is that the fractured stained glass reminds Alex of his baptism and that God takes people who are broken and fractured because of their sinful nature and covers them with blood of Jesus.
On July 12, 1998 Alex became a child of God when the Holy Spirit created faith in him and his sins were forgiven. He was "ALL CLEAN". Our prayer for Alex every night includes remembering his baptism and what God did for him.
I discovered that we have a replica of the "Holy Spirit Window" designed by Louis Comfort Tiffany for the First Presbyterian Church in Springfield Illinois. http://www.first-pres-church.org/Lincoln_Family.htm. It was completed about 1895.