Monday, February 25, 2008

The Spirituality of the Cross

This is Lent and a time to reflect on your faith. There are many ways to do that. Three years ago I read The Spirituality of the Cross, The Way of the First Evangelical by Dr. Gene Veith. I have re-read the book 4 times since. It is a short book, as books on theology go, and easy for the average person to read. Dr. Veith is a layman -- not a theologian or a pastor. The book is free of technical language. I have underlined, highlighted and filled a notebook with notes.

The table of contents reads:

Introduction: The First Evangelical
Justification: The Dynamics of Sin and Grace
The Means of Grace: The Presence of God
Theology of the Cross: The Hiddenness of God
Vocation: The Spirituality of Ordinary Life
Living in Two Kingdoms: The Sacred and the Secular
Conclusion: Worshiping God

Some notes from the first chapter:

  • The term "evangelical" is simply a term derived from the Greek word for "Gospel", which in turn literally means "good news." "Evangelical" means someone who focuses on the Gospel of Jesus, the good news that Christ, through His death and resurrection, has won forgiveness of sinful human beings and offers salvation as a free gift.....the word "evangelical" meant Lutheran.
  • They (Lutheran) were also the first to emphasize the Gospel to such an extent that it became central to every level of their doctrine and practice.
  • The fact is, there can be no spirituality without theology, no religious experience apart from religious belief.
  • One of the strengths of the Lutheran tradition is that theology is taken seriously and has been thoroughly worked out.
There is a study guide available for download through the Concordia Publishing House.