The article suggests that churches have to keep their services current. It states that the non-denominational churches seem to growing and that's true. The clergy quoted say that people are searching for something and often leaving the mainline denominations that they grow up in. That's probably true and very sad.
It leaves me wondering about a few things though.
- Why has the traditional church with hymns and liturgy which have been around for 2000+ years all of sudden become insufficient and irrelevant?
- The non-denominational churches tend to create their own hybrid 'creeds'. Are the historic creeds insufficient and irrelevant?
- Church seems to be about feeling fed and being happy and knowing your purpose in life. Exactly why did Jesus die and why do I belong to a local congregation and attend worship regularly?
Of course therein lies a part of the problem. Somehow many people think they need to help God do the saving by their decision and prove it by their acts of service. Some think you have to add good works in addition to what God gives in Holy Baptism. Some think that acts of service and being a good person will gain your access to heaven. Actions of service are essential, but they have nothing to do with salvation.
I can only speak for the Lutheran church (specifically LCMS) as that is the denomination I am a part of.
Why do you leave?
- Perhaps you don't really understand that when you attend that 'boring' liturgical service that God is present in Word and Sacrament. (The Divine Service)
- Perhaps you don't understand that the hymns you sing are oozing with the Word of God.
- Perhaps you don't understand that faith that saves (forgiveness of sins) is a free gift given to you even through you are poor, miserable sinner.
- Perhaps you don't understand that when the Pastor speaks that God is using the Pastor's voice -- He forgives your sins with the absolution, He speaks Law and Gospel, that is the Good News that Christ died for YOUR sins and you are forgiven.
Just because you were confirmed as a teenager or maybe you went through a short new member class, doesn't mean you are done growing. You have to sustain your faith in the same way that you have to care for your body with means of food, shelter and rest. Open the Word regularly, strive to understand what happens in liturgy, learn what the theology of the Lutheran church is (ie how faith is created for starters), read and re-read Luther's Small Catechism. Avail yourself of the means that God has ordained -- Holy communion, worship, and His Word. That's how you sustain your faith. Remember Holy Baptism is not the Willy Wonka golden ticket. You can lose your faith if you are not careful.