I have spent too much time hiking The Wittenberg Trail as well as sending my share of emails to synod contacts. And I'll continue spending too much time.
My dad had a pacemaker put in this week and that went very well. Praise God for the vocation of medicine.
Alex was the penitent thief in the Passion Play that the 5th graders do every year at his school. The entire cast was wonderful and what a tremendous witness they were to everyone who attended. We were thrilled that Alex's godparents came -- Bob, Sherry and family.
We attended our first Maundy Thursday service at Our Shepherd. It was a very powerful service as the altar was stripped and all the lights extinguished. The 22nd Psalm was chanted by two men and it was so moving.
We attended our first Good Friday service also. It was a Tenebrae service. The only lights in the sanctuary were the candles in front of the altar. The pastors woke simple black robes. It was so sad and somber. We heard mediations on Jesus' last 7 words and sang the hymn "Jesus, in Your Dying Woes' throughout.
On Saturday we had a seder at home. We combined what I have experienced at seders in the past with information on found on the Internet. Our goal was to remember what God did for the Israelites as they left Egypt and what He did when He sent His Son. And finally we made Resurrection cookies.