I'm reading a new book that we will be giving to our 10 year old son for Christmas. It's called The Everlasting Angel and the Mountains of Fire written by Peter M. Kurowski and Elizabeth R. Scheperle.
It is a historical fiction book aimed at young teens, but adults would enjoy it also. The story is about the Angel of the Lord (The Everlasting Angel) in the Old Testament. The story follows Zarak has he journeys through real Old Testament events and places. There are many characters that you'll recognize like Sarah, Abraham and Hagar and others who are fictional like Zarak, Mo and Gunk. The story is a blend of truth, humor, and suspense.
I heard an interview by Pastor Tom Baker of one of the authors on Law and Gospel http://www.kfuoam.org/LG_Nov_06.htm. It's a wonderful interview.
The book can be ordered at http://www.lawgospel.com/cgi-bin/order.aspx.