That's a big question in my mind right now. We attended the Lutheran church that is affiliated with our son's school this morning. It is a traditional liturgicalLutheran church. We have been attending a praise and worship style church which doesn't use the full historic liturgy for about 7 years. I have enjoyed the music and messages at my current church, but it felt very comfortable to be in a traditional Lutheran church again. I have been reading about liturgy and I am finally understanding what happens in a traditional liturgy. Having been away from liturgy for a season and having matured in my understanding of life I find tremendous comfort in saying familiar words.
Everything I am finding in my reading and listening says that God primarily gives to me and then I respond. In fact in many LCMS churches worship is called the
Divine Service -- God serving me through His Word and the Lord's Supper. I found this great illustration from a church in Canada. (