Today's devotion (December 21):
The Glory of the Lord
An angel from the Lord suddenly appeared to them. The glory of the Lord filled the area with light, and they were terrified.
Luke 2:9
Luke says, "The glory of the Lord filled the area with light." He calls this light the glory of the Lord. Why? He does this to emphasize the mystery and show us the nature of the gospel. It is a heavenly light that teaches Christ alone.
This light from heaven shines around us through the apostles and their followers who now preach the gospel. The angel in this story is like all of the preachers of the gospel, and the shepherds are like all listeners. Accordingly, the gospel comes from heaven and doesn't tolerate any other teachings added to it, for human teaching is earthly light and human glory. It lifts up human glory and praise and makes people arrogantly rely on their own efforts. But the gospel teaches everyone to trust in Christ. So rely completely on God's kindness and goodness. Glorify Christ and be bold in him.