Friday, November 9, 2007

On Being Lutheran

I am proud to be a Lutheran. I was blessed to be born into a Lutheran family, but it's only in recent years that I have understood what it means to be Lutheran in this evangelical society and often secular society we live in. I have had many stops along the way that have helped me in more fully understanding what it is I believe. I'm grateful to the people who believe(d) differently than me as they unknowningly spurred me on as we have engaged in lively email discussions. Sometimes the discussions go wrong, but I grow nevertheless!

Thanks to the Internet pastors who encourage me, preach to me, and teach me. I listen to them on the Internet. (Update: I can't listen to my favorite Lutheran radio show anymore because it was unexpectedly cancelled on Holy Tuesday!) did they cancel Issues Etc?????) (Used to be Lutheran radio at its best -- streams live on the Internet. You can still listen to Law and Gospel with Pastor Baker. (Archives of Issues Etc programs) (4 Reformation pastors from different denominations)

The bloggers:

Summer 2008 Update: I can listen to all kinds of Lutheran radio now! Issues Etc has returned in a new and improved format. In addition I have now have Lutheran Public Radio. Check out this wonderful list for your listening pleasure:

Another new development is Brothers of John the Steadfast.

Now that I have an ipod, I can listen to Christ-centered, cross-focused 'radio' all day long.